Sensitive and Compassionate Care

Sensitive and Compassionate CareThere is no place like home to provide a healing, relaxing environment when recovering from an illness, injury or surgical procedure. It is the place where family, friends, and familiar surroundings make you feel most comfortable - and recover faster.

The Companion Home Health team offers a variety of outstanding services, highly-skilled, compassionate professionals and clinical expertise you can trust . . . all in your own home.

Now that's peace of mind

We believe each and every person is a vital component to a successful outcome. The medical care Companion Home Health provides will be tailored to your individual needs.

About Our Agency

Companion Home Health is an Oklahoma owned and operated company. We are licensed by the State of Oklahoma and are certified by Medicare.

Two convenient locations serving central Oklahoma

Including Oklahoma City, Edmond, Guthrie, Stillwater, Perry and Surrounding Communities

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein